Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Ulu Eko

Ulu Eko Antologi Puisi 3 Bahasa
Charles Beraf
Nagekeo, Indonesia & Inggris
Tahun Cetak
Rp. 25.000

Ulu Eko
Dari Kepala hingga Ekor

Ini berkenaan dengan totalitas, hidup orang-orang Nagekeo yang diwarnai dengan aneka tradisi. Aneka tradisi ini masih kuat dihidupi hingga sekarang, bahkan menjadi sumber inspirasi yang luar biasa.

Ulu Eko adalah sastra berbasis lokalitas, kebudayaan Nagekeo. Dalam Ulu Eko, imaginasi dan realitas (kebudayaan Nagekeo) dipadukan. Konteks karya ini adalah kebudayaan Nagekeo, yang barangkali belum banyak disentuh, diangkat. Ulu Eko, hemat kami, bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi siapa saja, terutama orang-orang Nagekeo untuk melihat dan menghargai kebudayaannya sendiri dengan perspektif yang lebih luas dan lugas.

Ulu Eko, Head Tail is not just anatomical matters, but more than that with respect to the Nagekeo’s life philosophy which greatly uploads whoeness and harmony. Though formed from and living in a diversity of traditions, ritual and ways of life, they are one corps, one body that also cannot help but hierarchy their positions and roles. As upstream to downstream, ulu and eko can always be bridged. Ulu is no more important than eko, and vice versa. They are equally important and equally worthy of caring for harmony, equlibrium of the body. The harmonious is always beautiful (pulchrum) to be lived and aligned with the good (bonum) and the right (verum).

Ulu Eko, this anthology written in three languages is nothing but a reflective – imaginative streak of beautiful, good and right, flowing in the lives of the people of Nagekeo. Not only that they are beautiful in their traditional verses of their poetry-they do not feel like Ulu is more important than Eko, but they also live it,. They are not only literary, not just imaginative, but literary in and out of their context. Ulu Eko is nothing but harmony, including n terms of bridging imagination and context.

1 komentar:

  1. Semangat terus Pater Charles,dalam merangkai kata. Segala sesuatu meski di tuangkan dalam tulisan, agar bisa berguna bagi Nusa dan bangsa khususnya para generasi. Salam sastra.


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