Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

A Guide to The People and Languages of Nusa Tenggara

A Guide to The People and Languages of Nusa Tenggara
Charles E. Grimes, Tom Therik, Barbara Dix Grimes, Max Jacob
Artha Wacana Press Kupang
Tahun Cetak

The term 'Nusa Tenggara' encompasses the islands found in the three present-day Indonesian provinces of Nusa Tenggara Timor [NTT], Nusa Tenggara Barat [NTB], and Timor Timur [TT]. In older literature this region was referred to as the 'Lesser Sunda lslands'.

The people and languages of Nusa Tenggara [NT] are richly blessed with variety and complexity. However, that variety and complexity is little known and little understood. It has become clear to the authors of this Guide that there is a need for such information to be catalogued and aimed for a broad audience-but it must also be academically informed. Decision-makers in research, education, and development projects need information of this sort locally accessible. Who are we working with? What do we know about them? How do we most effectively communicate with them? How can we build on the strength of the diversity that already exists? What cultural values and traits should we be aware of to provide effective training and achieve sustainable results?

The present Guide began by incorporating (with permission) information on Nusa Tenggara from B.F. Grimes' 1992 Ethnologue: languages of the world. (12th edition) published by the Summer Institute of Linguistics. This information was then adapted and expanded, incorporating additional sources and recent research. During the course of compiling this Guide short trips were made by the authors to various parts of west Timor, Alor, Pantar, East Timor, Rote, Semau, Flores, Lembata, and Sumba.

This Guide is intended to be a 'living document', in the sense that future updates are anticipated. The current information is not definitive. As with any resource book of this nature, our information is limited to reflect' the accuracy and thoroughness (or lack there of) of our available sources. Our first step has been to compile and calibrate known information, and identify gaps where additional research is needed. As more research is done and more sources or more reliable and accurate information become available, we hope to incoporate it into future editions.

Senin, 30 Januari 2017

Ume Kbubu: Household Granary and Food Security in Timor Tengah Selatan

Ume Kbubu: Household Granary and Food Security in Timor Tengah Selatan
Vania Sarah N. Situmeang
Department of International Studies and the Graduate School of the University of Oregon
Tahun Cetak

Food security is a critical issue that has a prominent impact on human well-being, especially for the vulnerable population who has minimal resilience to the impact of food insecurities. Achieving food security is a continuous challenge that is faced by not only developing countries but also developed countries. Differences in political, economy and social structures contribute to the severity and magnitude of the impact on affected population.

This thesis looks at the contribution of indigenous knowledge in achieving food security by analyzing the practices of ume kbubu, or “household granary,”in Timor Tengah Selatan located in Indonesia. This thesis examines the practice of using, filling, and maintaining granaries by analyzing the traditional and cultural values that support ume kbubu and how this practice can support local food security through adaptation and new uses by farmers’ groups.

Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Untuk Negaraku, Sebuah Potret Perjuangan di Timor Timur

Untuk Negaraku, Sebuah Potret Perjuangan di Timor Timur
Tono Suratman
Pustaka Sinar Harapan
Tahun Cetak
Rp. 40.000

Sebuah perjalanan getir dan pahit dari seorang anak bangsa. Setelah semuanya dipertaruhkan demi harkat bangsa, mulai dari dedikasi, pengabdian bahkan pengorbanan nyawa, tiba-tiba diseret ke panggung dunia. Dalam kesendirian, ia menjadi bisu dan tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa dan hanya berkutat-kutit dalam kisahnya.

Di bawah tekanan dan tundingan yang datang bertubi-tubi dari dalam dan luar negeri, buku ini hadir sebagai jawaban atas informasi pincang tentang isu-isu Timor Timur, yang selama ini dikendalikan oleh jaringan-jaringan tertentu.

Buku ini adalah sebuah potret perjuangan seorang tentara dalam pengabdian dan dedikasinya di Timor Timur. Tetapi setelah pertarungan sudah usai, ia bukannya mendapatkan bintang penghargaan, tetapi dihadapkan ke Penggadilan HAM. Tragis! Siapakah dalang di balik semua ini?

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

Cerita Tentang Timor Timur

Cerita Tentang Timor Timur: Kesaksian Pribadi 1942-1992
Michele Turner
Pijar Indonesia
Tahun Cetak
Rp. 125.000

Mengejutkan, mengharukan dan banyak member informasi, laporan lisan mengenai Timor-Timur ini member sorotan baru atas beberapa di antara pelecehan hak asasi manusia paling buruk di wilayah kita – dari kekejaman Jepang selama PD II dan ketidakacuhan pejabat Australia dulu dan sekarang, sampai kepada hak-hak mengerikan yang sedang berlangsung yang dilakukan oleh tentara Indonesia.

Dihimpun selama 10 tahun, kesaksian ini datang dari rakyat biasa – muda dan tua, lelaki dan perempuan – yang kebanyakan di antara mereka terpaksa melarikan diri dari tanah airnya sejak penyerbuan Indonesia tahun 1975. Keberanian orang-orang ini akan mengharukan dan mengilhami anda.

“Laporan yang paling mendesak dan jelas mengenai salah satu dari bagian tergelap dalam sejarah Australia.” (Phillip Adams)

“Selama lima dasawarsa Australia telah memalingkan mukanya dari penderitaan yang berat di Timor –pelanggaran terhadap harga diri manusia, yang sekarang nama Timor menyandangnya. Setelah kesaksian-kesaksian yang nyata ini, bagaimana anda tetap menutup telinga?” (Thomas Keneally)

“Ini adalah sejarah yang hidup, yang diceritakan kembali oleh orang-orang yang mengalaminya sendiri. Suatu cerita yang dituturkan secara sederhana tetapi dengan kejelasan mengenai keterlibatan si penutur secara langsung.” (Justice Michael Kirby)

Binaus, Wajah Pedesaan Timor di Abad XXI

Binaus, Wajah Pedesaan Timor di Abad XXI
Yulius Y. Ranimpi
Satya Wacana University Press
Tahun Cetak

Binaus adalah desa di wilayah Kecamatan Mollo Tengah, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, yang sudah lama saya dengar, terutama via teman-teman peneliti di Pusat Studi Kawasan Indonesia Timur (PSKTI) Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW). Perkenalan model dengar-dengaran itu lebih intens lagi ketika desa ini dijadikan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan UKSW sebagai salah satu laboratorium untuk kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Dan ditambah dengan kisah yang menarik dari teman-teman yang pernah ke sana, terutama mengenai indah dan eksotiknya salah satu dusun di sana, yaitu dusun III, membuat saya semakin penasaran untuk juga memiliki pengalaman yang sama dengan mereka. Akhirnya waktu itupun tiba. Di awal tahun 2015, saya menjejakkan kaki di Desa Binaus. 

Desa ini berjarak lebih kurang 10 km dari So’e, Ibu Kota Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS). Didukung tersedianya moda transportasi, seperti ojek dan angkutan kota membuat Desa Binaus mudah untuk dicapai. Desa Binaus, layaknya desa lain di daratan Timor - NTT, memiliki fisiografi yang berbukit dan bergunung. Indah, sepertinya tidak cukup untuk menggambarkan kualitas pemandangan alam di sana. Belum lagi orang-orangnya. Ramah dan murah senyum. Semua itu cukup untuk menjadi alasan supaya tinggal di sana dalam waktu yang lama.

Namun, di balik semua itu, sebagai Ibu Kota Kecamatan Mollo Tengah, Desa Binaus menyimpan banyak keterbatasan dalam hal pembangunan. Sebagai bagian dari Kecamatan yang baru otonom di tahun 2007 (sebelumnya menjadi bagian dari Kecamatan Mollo Selatan), keterbatasan tersebut terlihat dari masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat, misalnya dalam aspek kesehatan. Persoalan tersebut semakin kompleks mengingat paradigma pembangunan di negeri ini, umumnya adalah generalisasi. Satu pendekatan untuk berbagai konteks, yang bergerak dari pusat ke daerah. Keberagaman dan kekhasan lokal kurang mendapat tempat untuk menjadi konsideran. Dan di sinilah persoalannya ketika pendekatan umum tadi bertemu dan bersentuhan dengan nilai dan keyakinan lokal. Tidak menutup kemungkinan konflik dapat lahir dari situ.

Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

Paradise In Timor Island TTS Regency

Paradise In Timor Island TTS Regency, Prospective Land for Agri-farming, Exotic Place for Adventure 
Asnath M. Fuah, dkk
Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun Cetak
Rp. 75.000

Pariwisata merupakan salah satu aspek ekonomi yang sedang booming, dan banyak daerah tujuan wisata di Indonesia yang telah diekspos lewat buku, Internet, atau media promosi lainnya. Namun, ada daerah-daerah yang belum dikenal secara luas, salah satunya kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) di Pulau Timor. Daerah ini memiliki alam yang unik dan eksotis dengan panorama yang indah dan kaya akan keragaman hayati, mulai dari pegunungan sampai pantai. Keterpaduan pesona alam ini adalah anugerah yang menakjubkan tapi juga menantang untuk diobservasi dan dikunjungi.

Buku PARADISE IN TIMOR ISLAND–TTS REGENCY: Prospective Land for Agri-farming, Exotic Place for Adventure memperkenalkan enam klaster kawasan ekoturisme yang ada di TTS: Fatumnasi dengan udara sejuk pegunungan serta hutan eucalyptus dan pinus. Hamparan padang rumput hijau berpadu harmonis dengan ternak sapi dan kuda yang merumput di sana; Fatunausus dengan danau yang bening dan tenang, di samping gunung marmer yang berkilauan, adalah harta karun alam yang penuh pesona; Air Terjun Oehala yang berada di kawasan hutan lindung sering disebut air terjun tujuh tingkat; Taman Wisata Buat yang asri; Pantai Kolbano dan Oetune dengan batu-batu berwarna eksotis dan bukit-bukit pasir putih yang sangat menakjubkan; wisata hortikultura dan budaya (suku Boti), salah satu suku di TTS yang masih mempertahankan kultur dan budaya berbasis kekuatan alam dan lingkungan.

Bagi wisatawan, Pemda TTS pun telah menyediakan berbagai fasilitas, seperti akomodasi (hotel, motel, pondok, saung, dan wisma); transportasi (jasa perjalanan udara, laut, dan darat—bus antarkota dan bus pariwisata); jasa pemandu wisata; serta restoran dan warung-warung makan.

"Welcome to feel the beauty of TTS and experience the nature with adventure."

Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

Master Poets, Ritual Masters

Master Poets, Ritual Masters, The Art of Oral Composition Among the Rotenese of Eastern Indonesia
James J. Fox
ANU Press The Australian National University
Tahun Cetak
9781760460068 (ebook)

A book like this, which is the work of some 50 years, would normally call for a great number of acknowledgements. This book is, however, focused specifcally on the oral poetry of a group of remarkable and talented individuals and it is to these poets whom I feel I owe my greatest debt of gratitude. Many of them have long since died, but they are remembered by their families and ought to be remembered more widely. I must begin by thanking those poets whose recitations are included in this volume: Stefanus Adulanu, Eli Pellondou, Petrus Malesi, Mikael Pellondou, Joel Pellondou, Esau Pono, Zet Apulugi, Alex Mada, Anderias (Ande) Ruy, Kornalius Medah, Laazar Manoeain, Samuel Ndun, N. D. Pah, Jonas Mooy, Simon Lesik, Frans Lau and Hendrik Foeh. Of these master poets, I owe a special debt to Stefanus Adulanu (‘Old Meno’), who taught me the beginnings of ritual language during my frst period of feldwork in 1965–66; Petrus Malesi, who was a frequent companion and my personal poet during my second period of feldwork in 1972–73; and Esau Pono, who became, over many years, my closest Rotenese friend and confidant until his death in 2014. I was able to compose a short mortuary chant on his behalf and send it as an email to my former student and colleague Dr Lintje Pellu, in Kupang, who travelled to Termanu and saw that it was recited at his funeral.

These poets are only a small number of the poets whom I have recorded over the past 50 years. During my frst feldwork, Stefanus Adulanu and Stefanus Amalo—the two master poets in the domain of Termanu at that time—both competed and cooperated to provide me with a variety of recitations. I also recorded important recitations from A. Amalo and Lisbet Adulanu—a formidable fgure and the only woman to ofer to recite for me. N. D. Pah also supplied me with a wealth of materials from Tie. During my second period of feldwork, I continued to record from Petrus Malesi and Eli Pellondou, who were rivals to one another.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Land and Life in Timor-Leste, Ethnographic Essays

Land and Life in Timor-Leste, Ethnographic Essays
Andrew McWilliam dan Elizabeth G. Traube
The Australian National University E Press Canberra
Tahun Cetak
9781921862601 (ebook)

In the aftermath of the Indonesian occupation (1975–99) and the bittersweet triumph of the resistance struggle, Timor-Leste emerged as the frst new nation of the twenty-frst century. The path to independence, however, was a rocky one and left a deep legacy of sufering and social dislocation. In the chaotic withdrawal of Indonesian forces, a fnal bout of violence, property destruction and population displacement left the half-island nation a smoking ruin under the protection of a multinational peacekeeping force: the International Force for East Timor (Interfet).

Ten years on, the process of rebuilding continues. A constitutional democratic system of parliamentary government has been established, oil and gas revenues now provide sustainable funds for much needed infrastructure, and government services are gradually being reinstated to support economic livelihoods for a growing population. Social life in the villages and scattered settlements is once again focused on the seasonal rhythm of agriculture and the rituals of exchange that mark life-cycle ceremonies and the conduct of rural sociality. Still, the path to a peaceful prosperity has not been without setbacks—most dramatically exemplifed in the round of inter-communal violence and property destruction that erupted in the capital, Dili, during 2006. The intense period of civil disorder was fuelled by a powerful mix of ethnicised political and economic rivalries, corrosive youth unemployment and tensions over housing. If independence was built on the unity of struggle and shared sufering, the post-independence landscape is a more fragmented mosaic of crosscutting positions, competing claims and aspirations.

Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

The Alor-Pantar languages, History and typology

The Alor-Pantar languages, History and typology
Marian Klamer
Language Science Press Berlin
Tahun Cetak

The Alor-Pantar family constitutes the westernmost outlier group of Papuan (Non-Austronesian) languages. Its twenty or so languages are spoken on the islands of Alor and Pantar, located just north of Timor, in eastern Indonesia. Together with the Papuan languages of Timor, they make up the Timor-Alor-Pantar family. The languages average 5,000 speakers and are under pressure from the local Malay variety as well as the national language, Indonesian.

This volume studies the internal and external linguistic history of this interesting group, and showcases some of its unique typological features, such as the preference to index the transitive patient-like argument on the verb but not the agent-like one; the extreme variety in morphological alignment patterns; the use of plural number words; the existence of quinary numeral systems; the elaborate spatial deictic systems involving an elevation component; and the great variation exhibited in their kinship systems.

Unlike many other Papuan languages, Alor-Pantar languages do not exhibit clause-chaining, do not have switch reference systems, never suffix subject indexes to verbs, do not mark gender, but do encode clusivity in their pronominal systems. Indeed, apart from a broadly similar head-final syntactic profile, there is little else that the Alor-Pantar languages share with Papuan languages spoken in other regions. While all of them show some traces of contact with Austronesian languages, in general, borrowing from Austronesian has not been intense, and contact with Malay and Indonesian is a relatively recent phenomenon in most of the Alor-Pantar region.
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