Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

Explorations in semantic parallelism

Explorations in semantic parallelism
James J. Fox
ANU Press The Australian National University Canberra
Tahun Cetak

Since 1965, when I frst began to record and attempt to understand the ritual poetry of the Rotenese, the study of semantic parallelism has been a major focus of my research. My chief concern has been with the semantics of canonical parallelism. In my view, the study of parallelism and particularly the study of canonical parallelism is no minor subject but is, in fact, a matter of central theoretical importance for both anthropology and linguistics. To introduce this collection of papers, let me begin by ofering some explanation of the importance I attach to research on this topic.

Parallelism as a focus for research. Parallelism describes the common tendency to resort to the pairing of words and phrases to provide emphasis, authority or signifcance to an expression of ideas. It is a common, frequently used rhetorical device in many forms of elevated speech. It is also a recurrent feature of poetic discourse—what the linguist Roman Jakobson has called the ‘poetic artifce…of recurrent returns’, or, in a similar vein, what the poet Gerald Manley Hopkins referred to as ‘the repeated fgure’ in poetry. Examples of such parallelism are numerous and can be encountered daily. Winston Churchill’s speech to the Commons on 4 June 1940 is a ringing example of the use of parallelism.

2 komentar:

  1. Pak Fox paling dicintai oleh orang Rote karena telah banyak menulis tentang Rote. Namun banyak orang Rote tidak dapat membaca buku-buku itu karena disamping dalam bahasa Inggris, juga karena tidak terdapat di toko-toko buku di NTT.Salah satu syair yang kami (saya dan Ibu Hayer Pah) terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk Pak Fox ialah syair : SOLO SUTI do MASI DANDE.Semoga kami bisa dapatkan bukunya. Makasi, SODAMOLEK.

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